I am a blessed mother of one. Bryce the answer to years of prayer!! He was born 3 mo.early at 2 lbs. 5oz. and 14.2 inches. God has his hand on him!I love to make people laugh and have fun. Family & friends are very important to me as is my walk with the Lord. I am married to my best friend. I love to take lots of pictures. I am blessed blessed beyond measure! PTL!
Well...it's been a long time since I've posted. Lots has been going on, keeping busy w/Bryce and looking for a job turns out to be pretty much all consuming. We have had some fun outings, trips to Six Flags Discovery (which will Always be Marine World to me :) ) and a few play dates here and there.
And then it happened... I got a call for an interview and then they wanted to interview me for a second time and at this time I am waiting to hear from them. I should know by mid week next wk if I they are going to offer me the job. At the same time I have another job that interest that is just accross town which would be my preference- they however gave me no idea when they would be ready to fill their position...sooooooo I am waiting. I have one more company interested in me which is amazing after almost 6 mo. At a minimum it is very encouraging. I am feeling bittersweet about it as I am so enjoying the time with Bryce and am really not ready to go back to work.