Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Happy Fall Ya'all!
It's the time of year when we are thankful for the many blessings we have in life. The blessings that we take for granted and the ones that we are mindful of but fail to acknowledge. Then when we gather with family and friends our hearts are full as we look around & are reminded of these very blessings. It's in the smiles and hugs, and the joyful laugh of the the long awaited child, it's in the reminiscing of so many Turkey days past. It's in the unbuttoning of the pants because we had plenty to eat, it's in the smells of home, the rememberance of those who are no longer w/us but left recipes and traditions for us to carry on. It's around the table, in the dirty dishes and the extra special love and care that went into the meal. It's in the health that we have and the homes that we share. And the biggest blessing is that "God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son", and he loves us enough to entrust us with all that we have, family and all!
My list of Thanks is a long one so I am going to share this one extra special thanks with you all: This Thanksgiving we are especially thankful for God's provision for us over these last 6 mo. and for his provision of NEW EMPLOYMENT for Erik!! That's right!! Our prayers have at long last been answered. Erik will be working for a local Landscaping Co. here in Petaluma. He will start his new job on Dec. 1st. YAHHHHHHHOOOO YIPEEEEE...WOOOHOO AND ALL THAT JAZZ!!
My boys have been sick the past few days with this ucky flu bug...yesterday Bryce was perking up and feeling better so I took him outside and got some new photos...seems like it's been forever since I took his picture. Here's some more of what I am sooooooooooooo very thankful for...Bryce.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Backup and running again!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Current Stats
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fig Patrol
Monday, October 13, 2008
How much salt really is too much???
Here we have a video of Bryce faux cooking- he found some faux vegetables and while I was in his room organizing and moving things around he was busy, busy, busy. Little did I know he was in to so much mischief. The video is long, but very cute. I am having technical difficulties w/the video...if/when I can I will load is priceless- so I hope it will work out. :)
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Silly, silly boy.. wonder where he get's it from?
It's funny to hear him say things like- "that makes my heart happy", " that would be so fun" "I missed you today" "oh boy that's my favorite" " I just need it" " I just want to watch a movie" "where is him?" " I just don't like it (usually in response to something he eats all the time but has decided today- he's excercising his option to not eat it :) )
He also likes to hold his sweet little hand up (like a stop motion) and tell you his plan- he usually does this when he has been denied something and wants to manipulate you into well let's just say agreeing w/him. It is quite cute to watch it unfold. What did we ever do for entertainment before Bryce?
Monday, October 06, 2008
Well Helloooooo I bumped my noggin...
Pay no attention to his candy-chew that he thought we needed to see..hey whatever it takes to get the picture huh?
Yep this is the goose egg bump I saw...awful, absolutely painful to look at and I ask you...?
Should he be left alone w/Daddy?hahaha just kididng..accident's happen..hmmm :)
As if the excitement of the bumps and bruises aren't enough to keep us on our toes we found a little visitor on my porch fall display.. I DO NOT like things that can fly on you or jump and well this is what's living on our porch and freaking me out!!