Or as my Dad likes to say.."big jobs" today marks a milestone in our home. Bryce went poopy on the potty, by himself....for the first time he was quite pleased with himself and... so were we. It's a step in the right direction. So now we pray for continued potty's in the pot!!
Crispy Potato Pancakes
11 hours ago
YiPpEe! Congrats! I'm dreading this task...I'm thinking their wives might have to potty train the two of them.
Grammy is so PROUD of you for going potty in the toilet. GOOD JOB for a little guy. Now you're not so little, you're becoming a BIG boy!!!! Let Grammy know when you do it again. Pleeeeese.
You did it again! I'm so proud of you. You take such good care of the men in your life. You capture every emotion Bryce has to offer. His pictures are true treasures to a my heart. Even Eddie was enthralled(sp) with Bryce's pictures and abitilities. He said he would love to see Bryce and play with him.
Oh I just love your Fall decorations and I'll betthe inside looks just as clever and colorful.
Dad and I have been playing and enjoying each other. I've been working on taking pleasure in agreeing with him and that seems to make up for a lot of things. I'm looking forward to the next few years, they should be even more joyful.
Give your boys a squeeze from Grammy and a hug to the great mommie you've become. I can't say much about the egg on Bryce's head, but I remember a few bumps you had growing up and it just happens. Praise God, we have an angel to take care of us.
I love guys soooooooo much and miss you all. Love you, Mom and Dad too.
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