Yep we have our own personal monkey! We can't keep him off the swing since he's been to the zoo and seen them in action. : ) Oh joy....see for yourselves!
Crispy Potato Pancakes
11 hours ago
You were happy and I wanted to catch that, A photo says.. You were so important to me that I put down everything to come watch.....
Unforgetable you!!
So flipping cute! I just want to give him a squeeze!!
It's hard to believe that he can do all those things, 'by himself'! He must be so proud of his accomplishments. I can just see him beaming when he brings his diaper to you or when he takes off his clothes and runs around the house. Oh to be there....grab him up and swing him around. Makes me wonder why I'm still here and not there!
I've started a savings sock for a trip to be out there with your cutie pie.
The slide show was sooooo cute. He looks a bit worn out, but enjoying the day. Great photos!!!
Oh course, we miss you guys and can't wait to see you.
Crazy for you, Grammy and Papa
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