Thursday, October 23, 2008
Current Stats
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fig Patrol
Monday, October 13, 2008
How much salt really is too much???
Here we have a video of Bryce faux cooking- he found some faux vegetables and while I was in his room organizing and moving things around he was busy, busy, busy. Little did I know he was in to so much mischief. The video is long, but very cute. I am having technical difficulties w/the video...if/when I can I will load is priceless- so I hope it will work out. :)
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Silly, silly boy.. wonder where he get's it from?
It's funny to hear him say things like- "that makes my heart happy", " that would be so fun" "I missed you today" "oh boy that's my favorite" " I just need it" " I just want to watch a movie" "where is him?" " I just don't like it (usually in response to something he eats all the time but has decided today- he's excercising his option to not eat it :) )
He also likes to hold his sweet little hand up (like a stop motion) and tell you his plan- he usually does this when he has been denied something and wants to manipulate you into well let's just say agreeing w/him. It is quite cute to watch it unfold. What did we ever do for entertainment before Bryce?
Monday, October 06, 2008
Well Helloooooo I bumped my noggin...
Pay no attention to his candy-chew that he thought we needed to see..hey whatever it takes to get the picture huh?
Yep this is the goose egg bump I saw...awful, absolutely painful to look at and I ask you...?
Should he be left alone w/Daddy?hahaha just kididng..accident's happen..hmmm :)
As if the excitement of the bumps and bruises aren't enough to keep us on our toes we found a little visitor on my porch fall display.. I DO NOT like things that can fly on you or jump and well this is what's living on our porch and freaking me out!!