It is touching to look back at the past two years~ they have flown by. I can't believe how quickly he has turned into a toddler. He is playing w/daddy right now -show me shoulders, eyes,etc. He has such a big vocabulary for a two year old. He can tell you almost every type of animal there is known to man and pictured, from a peacock to a wombat to the zebra and the hippopatumus, gecko and well you get it. He is a sharp little guy today I was looking thru a magazine with him and there were some cows, holsteins and herefords and so I asked him where's the holstein and he pointed to it so of course I asked him and where's the hereford...he knows..he's a smart cookie. He is talking up a storm and loves to say here ya go, where is my scewdriver?, where my tool box go?, don't find it daddy, daddy look...there it is I find it my chair. Incredible to me that he is so verbal. And the funniest is when he just prattles on so fast he makes NO sense but is sure you understand him : ) LOL

Current day- literally minutes ago...
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