It all begins with the simple filling of the turtle and quickly escalates to a full on water war. Mommy as usual is behind the camera capturing the moments and was a casualty of the war. Due to the danger and uncertainty of Bryce's random quick fire direct hits I had to stay at bay so alot of my pictures aren't as clear and close as I like. All the samre you get the idea and we had a ball. I had the video camera out as well and he got me real good, luckily I was able to turn away and run so the camera only got a few drops..whew the risks of photojournalism...hee hee.
Sweet Irish Soda Bread
1 day ago
1 comment:
Dearest Krista,
It's raining and just had some snow flakes. Kay and Wayne had about an inch or so of the white stuff. As long as its gone by this evening the crops will be in good shape.
I loved the pictures of daddy and the boy in the throws of a water fight. Bryce standing there deliberating whether to soak daddy or obey his warning about repercusions of a soaking from the hose!!!!!
You must have had a blast that day. I know how much you love that kind of play. Erik even looks like he enjoyed the day, and of course, as long as Bryce was soaking and getting soaked I'm sure he was in seventh heaven.
Empty boxes and water.... great combinations for a lot of creative fun.
Well, dad and I just mailed the squirt some things. We think he'll enjoy getting the mail from his grammy and papa.
Krista, You have such a way with words and they just touch my heart and fill it with delight. I am so moved by your insights to motherhood and the exemplary way you express your love and appreciation for others. I should send your thoughts to Hallmark, I'm sure they'd us some of them in their Mother's Day cards.
Well, it's offical. Dad and are ready for our trip out to California. We'll be all prayed up and ready for a great time. We love you all and are anxious to see everybody. Give Eric a hug for us. All our love and prayers for a healthy, happy, warm not boiling summer. We love you and praise God daily for your lives in Christ. Love, love, love you, Mom and Dad (Don't touch anything til I get there.)
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