I need results people, I need to watch my movie, don't make me get my mommy involved.
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You were happy and I wanted to catch that, A photo says.. You were so important to me that I put down everything to come watch.....
Unforgetable you!!
I need results people, I need to watch my movie, don't make me get my mommy involved.
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1 comment:
Aha...it's taking me forever to get here tonight. I have tried for 1 hour to get to your blog, but it was worth the wait. What great pictures. Thanks for the update on the job search.
I have loved the pictures of that rambuncious boy! You have captured all of his personality changes and that's not an easy feat,congratula-tions mom.
I especially love the photo where he's placed his hands behind his head and fallen asleep. Just like you and your dad. (I don't know if Erik does that or not, but the grand poopa does.)
Well, sweetheart, I won't keep you. Just wanted to thank you again for the great blog. We're still praying for your marriage and other issues. I'm so glad I know God sustains you 2 or I'd be a basket case. It's so hard to see your children struggle in these last days.
Thanks again for your thoughtful way in caring for dad and I. From his shoe needs to my physical needs. Right now, dad needs your prayers. He's been really punky for the last month or two. Ever since we returned from our visit, he's not been his happy self. He seems pretty depressed.
I missed the banner on your blog showing your anniversay. Don't know why, but I looked forward to your wedding date.
I hope I can come out before too long. Maybe just before Fall. I'll be talking to Renee and see how her schedule is and what we can coordinate.
Love you guys - hugs, kisses and squeezes to you all. (Please sing our boy Grandma's signature song (if he's agreeable)...It's Bubbling, It's bubbling, it's bubbling in my soul...)XOXOX's,Mom
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