Baseball the time honered tradition and his absoulute favorite thing to do. He's second favorite thing to do is watch his new Peter Pan DVD, over and over and......over!!! At first he was asking to watch it by saying I need to watch tinker bell. I couldn't understand waht he was saying so we kept asking him and finally we figured it out..whew cause he was getting exasperated waiting for us to fulfill his request! So Peter Pan is a huge hit and for the time being our go-to for all crisis'.
Crispy Potato Pancakes
11 hours ago
Oh My, what a boy! I just love the way you describe his demands for a Perfect Day. I love the pool and slide. Looks like he's having a great time and you're right, he's having a Great Life.
I love watching his baseball stance. He's quite the athlete, but we already knew that didn't we?
Dad and I are doing good. He's almost completly given up ice cream. Every time I reach for it, he says, "No, that's no good for me, I love it, but I need to give it up." So instead we buy a nice dark coffee for him! He's staying very busy.
I just get so tickled when I open your blog....I never know what I'm going to find and it's always a treat.
Love you all and keep praying and fasting for your situations. God is so faithful I know something good will come of all our trials.
Well, sweetie, I'll close for now and hope you're encouraged today. Just having your little miracle running around the house is proof enough that nothing is impossible for God.
I forgot to mention his bath time picture. Did you see his little foot and those tiny toes! Could that be any more precious?
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