Grandpa, Uncle Bucky, Grandma, Daddy,Bryce and Mommy coloring eggs
Daddy are you sure that I can't break the egg first?
We had a great time just the same. Bryce took a nap from 4:45- 7:10, so we all had dinner while he slept. When he finally woke up he was full of it and wanted nothing to do with anything or anyone. We had a fun time coloring the eggs, and once Bryce saw that it could be fun he joined in. He of course wanted to put all the eggs in one cup.
At one point Bryce dropped an egg and it cracked so we decided to peel it so Bryce would see what the inside looked like. I was playing with him with the egg like it was talking to him, saying Hi Bryce, I'm Mr. Egg, how are you? Anyway when he reached over to touch the egg uncle bucky said "ouch" and Bryce thought it was the was pretty funny, not really so much for Bryce but we all got a good giggle out of it :) When we were done coloring eggs, Bryce decided he wanted to watch his dalmation movie, so we put his jammies, then he decided he wanted to play a bit. So uncle bucky and daddy played ball with him, he was wacking the ball around...that was fun but of course if a little play is fun why not play more? So Bryce decided he, daddy and uncle bucky would play football. It was pretty funny and Grandma, grandpa watched while mommy video taped the fun-there was lots of laughter and it was a good evening. Finally his little batteries ran out and he settled down to watch his dalmation movie and go to sleep..whewwwwwwww what an evening.
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