We made a mad dash to Costco to beat the Easter rush and get a few needed goodies. I of course found something (this totally cool airplane teeter toter)I don't think Bryce should live w/o. His dad disagreed...imagine that :) It is still under debate... Anyway we got Eggs (and lots of other stuff) and we will be doing the "dye job" tommorow w/grandma and uncle Bucky and maybe grandpa dale will join the fun. Bryce is a trooper and gets better and better each trip. This time he managed to stay in the cart-seated the entire time!~ For those who know how busy Bryce is you know this is a huge accomplishment for him..he's growing up. hmmmmmmmmm don't know if I'm entirely ready for that, but I really don't have a choice now do I? LOL!!! We bought a box of tootsie pops and he managed to gnash on that most of the way home in the car. At one point I looked back at him and he was passing it between his hands and rubbing it on his chin...yikes what a sticky mess. Then he wanted to lay the pop to rest next to his leg in his car seat..I don't think so!! So after I confiscated the pop as it were he went on to slap his hands together and took absolute delight in his new found stiky hands.... I couldn't help but giggle after all it's all washable, him the clothes, his car seat cover...whatever he was having a ball! Once he was done he asked for a wipe and that was that! He watched his dalmation movie and read a few books and then.... off to dreamland! He has slept thru last 3 nights which is HUGE for mommy! I am amazed at how I feel, I haven't slept thru the night, but just knowing that he has has lifted this weight off of me.. I don't know how else to describe it. I will just keep praying for the full nights sleep!!! Well chores call me so off I go for now.... see you tommorow :)
Crispy Potato Pancakes
12 hours ago
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