Well Bryce got up at 4:30 this morning so that was a nice early start to the day. He did snooze a little while longer being held and really I can't/won't complain because he slept thru the night for 4 nights now!!! PTL. And it's been raining a little here and there so we are waiting for the ground to dry up and then we can take Bryce outside. Bryce definately needs to get out and run off some energy. He is just a littel pistol today. Everything is NO and he cries about everything he believes is an injustice to his little self. LOL. He's quite dramatic at times and has recently taken to fake crying..now that's funny!
And when he finally got outside he was looking for mischief everywhere..huge surprise!
I guess you guys are busy. that's a good thing. Krista, how are you healing up good? I pray you're health improves as the sun and flowers shine.
I'm getting soooooo spoiled with your blog. I expect to see something new every time I bring it up. Pretty silly I think. Instead I'll go looking on the internet for something to send our little plzzzzzzzzzzze boy.
Love you all. Mom and Dad
Happy, Happy Days Are Here and He is to be Praised!
I guess you guys are busy. that's a good thing. Krista, how are you healing up? Good I hope. I pray your health improves as the sun and flowers shine.
I'm getting soooooo spoiled with your blog. I expect to see something new every time I bring it up. Pretty silly I think. Instead I'll go looking on the internet for something to send our little plzzzzzzzzzzze boy.
Love you all. Mom and Dad
Happy, Happy Days Are Here and He is to be Praised!
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