Monday, March 31, 2008

It's a sunny day and I got water!!

Today we find Bryce outside playing with Grandma. He comes in to see mommy during my lunch break and tells me I need this as he points to the windex bottle on the sink. I need this he says, I wash window outside..thanks mom! Anyway we distract him or so we think ,he's back inside once again obsessed with the windex bottle. He is convinced he will not live without it and tears and drama ensues. Jeezzzzzzzzz.
Mom knows all he wants is to squirt and I must have a squirt bottle in amongst my treasures..of course I do! And that is where the fun begins he is hot on my heels to help me as I unlock the forbidden zone (cabinets under the sink) and search for a squirt bottle. He of course can not contain himself and must push me to get to anything he sees. At last (not without a significant amount of drama) mom procures a squirt bottle and.... he's off to the races... w/o water. When he figures out he needs water he relinquishes the bottle only to me for filling. And then with some coaxing he releases the nozzle so I can assemble it for him. He is then given instructions/rules not to spray grandma, mommy, or the cats. Outside spraying only.
At first he has no problem sticking to the rules but upon his second refill his memory takes flight and he is squirting grandma. Upon the third refill he gets mommy and the cat- he is reminded that not obeying results in a time out in his room and that is when he turns the bottle on himself and completely shocks himself with the initial squirt. Ah now he has discovered the fun of squirting himself and that is when I had to return to work but not before capturing a few precious pictures. He is a little stinker!
Let's see can I fill my ear with water?

Yikes I didn't see that one comin'

Oh this is fun!

Woo-Hoo I love it..more, more

I crack myself up~

Determined to put the lid back on his sandbox and insiting that he do it, here are few pics of Bryce getting his lid on so that the "cat's don't poop in nere mommy"

Ah success~ such perserverance!!

And on to chalk drawing...

He is too precious, he takes the chalk out, uses it and then...get this~

Puts them all back in the container while telling you the color, "get the blue one in nere, put the orange one in nere" etc. He is type A personality just like Daddy.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Blustery Sunday!

The day starts at it's usual early morning rise...ahhh but Bryce slept thru the night again, I've lost count and I feel myself getting back to much as possible for me!
It was a beautiful day but real windy and cool. Bryce had no morning nap so when we got back from church he was toast. He and I took a 3 1/2 hour nap, which was heaven for Erik so he would be able to enjoy hours of march madness. Once we woke up raring to go we went outside for some fresh air. Here's a few pics from the time outside.
Bryce Running From Daddy
Playing soccer with daddy and mommy Chasing after the soccer ball- does he look delighted or what?! Jump Daddy- Daddy Jump Bryce catches so air..look closely. He is fearless! Watch me here I go More jumping Wooo hooooo. I jump Daddy and Bryce discussing slide technics!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Outside plzzzzzzzzzzzz, please I go outside!!

Well Bryce got up at 4:30 this morning so that was a nice early start to the day. He did snooze a little while longer being held and really I can't/won't complain because he slept thru the night for 4 nights now!!! PTL. And it's been raining a little here and there so we are waiting for the ground to dry up and then we can take Bryce outside. Bryce definately needs to get out and run off some energy. He is just a littel pistol today. Everything is NO and he cries about everything he believes is an injustice to his little self. LOL. He's quite dramatic at times and has recently taken to fake that's funny!

And when he finally got outside he was looking for mischief everywhere..huge surprise!

Look a me daddy.

Bathy boy..tired out and ready to sleep anywhere.

When did he get so big?

Spring is in the air!! The figs are coming in.

Roses on the 40+ year old climbing rose bush...

So beautiful and fragrant.

Friday, March 28, 2008

T.G.I.F. Presenting Flashback Friday's

Ahhhh Friday! A great day. I am stealing an idea from one of my bloggin buddies and going to be making Fridays a flashback day. Should be lots of fun.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tuckered out thursday....

When I picked Bryce up today he was really cranky. So I tried my usual bag of tricks to no avail. He was just fussy. He had some dinner ( very little) and began to fuss and crank up some more. It is just after 7:30 and he is crashed out. He started to watch his dinosaur movie and in less than 5 minutes he is sawing logs. He was tuckered out. Here are a few pics of him being silly and cranky in his highchair. He sure is getting big the little stinker.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Help Daddy...

It's a chilly evening here in Nor.Cal so Erik built us a little fire...very nice. Well....Bryce decided to "help Daddy" as the pictures show. Then he made a mess of himself with peaches and his hair, soooooooooooo he is in the bath. Wild, cheecky boy!
Mommy's been feelin punky the past few days and went to the dr. today. It turns out I have injured my muscles in my chest from coughing, and also have rattling in my lungs, fluid in my ears, inflammed sinus and what looks like could be strep throat. Anyway got lots of meds to take and should be back to my sassy, saucy self in no time at all! Thanks for checking in and have a good one. Love and kisses from we three to thee!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Great Grandpa and Grandma stop bye to say Howdo!

Today Great Grandma and Grandpa Brown stopped by for a visit today which was real special. I got to spend the day with grandma, mommy and the grandparents. Lucky boy.

Great Grandpa Got a New Camera...look out!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Resurrection Day!!

And Happy Easter too! Everybody is up and going this morning, 7 adults and one bathroom could be a challenge, but not for us!! We have done a great job this morning. So it's off to church for us now and then we will go egg hunt at Nana and Papa's this afternoon.