Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Help Daddy...

It's a chilly evening here in Nor.Cal so Erik built us a little fire...very nice. Well....Bryce decided to "help Daddy" as the pictures show. Then he made a mess of himself with peaches and applesauce...in his hair, soooooooooooo he is in the bath. Wild, cheecky boy!
Mommy's been feelin punky the past few days and went to the dr. today. It turns out I have injured my muscles in my chest from coughing, and also have rattling in my lungs, fluid in my ears, inflammed sinus and what looks like could be strep throat. Anyway got lots of meds to take and should be back to my sassy, saucy self in no time at all! Thanks for checking in and have a good one. Love and kisses from we three to thee!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are too much......thank you for showing me my grandson playing in his bath and saying, "hi, Grammy."

Wouldn't that just melt your heart?

I love how you make me feel so special. I can't believe the intelligent things he does. What a blessing he will the LORD when he gives his heart to Him. I love you soooooo much. Have a great day and keep getting better and better and better. You're my greatest treasure on earth! love ya, Mom