Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Silly, silly boy.. wonder where he get's it from?

Oh boy he is such a character and so much fun.

Yesterday Bryce put his socks on without any help and then he put his shoes on...the right feet, strapped then up and wahlah...he's becoming more and more independent and it is soooooooo stinkin bittersweet. I am so proud of him and the little man that he is becoming and bonus he is really starting to become an individual and says all kinds of funny shtuff.

It's funny to hear him say things like- "that makes my heart happy", " that would be so fun" "I missed you today" "oh boy that's my favorite" " I just need it" " I just want to watch a movie" "where is him?" " I just don't like it (usually in response to something he eats all the time but has decided today- he's excercising his option to not eat it :) )

He also likes to hold his sweet little hand up (like a stop motion) and tell you his plan- he usually does this when he has been denied something and wants to manipulate you into well let's just say agreeing w/him. It is quite cute to watch it unfold. What did we ever do for entertainment before Bryce?

1 comment:

jennbecc said...

Will you look at that cutie pie! What a funny little person. I can't wait for the boys to say cute things like that. :)