Monday, October 06, 2008

Well Helloooooo I bumped my noggin...

OUCH...or as melvin in madagascar likes to say..ow,ow,ow,ow,ow,ow!!! I came home at lunch today to find this......................

Pay no attention to his candy-chew that he thought we needed to see..hey whatever it takes to get the picture huh?

Yep this is the goose egg bump I saw...awful, absolutely painful to look at and I ask you...?

Should he be left alone w/Daddy?hahaha just kididng..accident's happen..hmmm :)

Currently poor Bryce is black and blue all over- his legs, his bottom, he's got a nice raspberry on his elbow and the list goes on...thank goodness everyone know's this is how it goes w/little boys.

As if the excitement of the bumps and bruises aren't enough to keep us on our toes we found a little visitor on my porch fall display.. I DO NOT like things that can fly on you or jump and well this is what's living on our porch and freaking me out!!

See the fleck of green at the neck of the scarecrow?..yeah that would be a preying mantis...ewwww

It's super cool for Bryce, but super creepy for me. Ick.

Hopefully he/she will find a new home SOON!!!

1 comment:

jennbecc said...

What happened to the Cheekster??? Poor guy! Maybe he fell running from the leaping, flying, Praying Mantis...?? heehee!