Thursday, October 23, 2008

Current Stats

Being a preemie Bryce has followup care periodically to test his motor skills and development, he has always done very, very well and today was no exception!
He is so blessed, he has absolutely no signs of prematurity and is doing so well they will not see him again until he is about to start school- 4 1/2 ish. WOW..that is just wonderful. God has been good to us when you know all the challenges that preemies can face and he has had none it is nothing short of a miracle.
He is a little smarty and gave the pyschologist a run for her money today. At one point he became very disinterested in her little tests/games and starting fidgiting- she asked him if he was bored and with a huge grin and he said uh huh. I busted up because you could see it coming the tests were just repititious and he was done. Can't say I blame him.
His current weight fully clothed is 34 1/2 lbs and he is 38 1/2" tall- where did my little 5 oz 14 inch baby go????????? It's getting soooooooooo hard to have him be big. It is just bitter, bittersweet. Love that lil fella.
His newest thing he is saying is sure. Sure I can, sure I would, shore I will. etc. It is sooooooooo stinkin cute. And his little voice is just as sweet as ever. It is a blessing to be with him at appts like today as he is one of the few normal kids in the followup program. Many of the others have slight to severe delays etc. You can just see the delight when they interact with him, besides being so cute and smart...hahaha he is just a normal little boy and aren't all kids just the best :)
They commented on how well he talks and when I see his pediatrician I will get more details of the testing results. That's it for now.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fig Patrol

We have a lovely fig tree in our backyard that produces plenty of figs. This time of year they are falling everyday from way up high and are pretty much only good for compost. So before we can play the all american time honored and beloved baseball out back the figs need to be cleaned up. Bryce is a happy little worker bee helper. He loves to get out his shovel, rake and wheel barrow and help pick up, but his favorite thing to do is dump them with daddy's help. I think the pictures pretty much say it all :) .
Please continue to pray for a job opportunity for Erik.... we appreciate it :)

And...dinner is served... I loved the look so you get a peek :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

How much salt really is too much???

Here we have a video of Bryce faux cooking- he found some faux vegetables and while I was in his room organizing and moving things around he was busy, busy, busy. Little did I know he was in to so much mischief. The video is long, but very cute. I am having technical difficulties w/the video...if/when I can I will load is priceless- so I hope it will work out. :)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Silly, silly boy.. wonder where he get's it from?

Oh boy he is such a character and so much fun.

Yesterday Bryce put his socks on without any help and then he put his shoes on...the right feet, strapped then up and wahlah...he's becoming more and more independent and it is soooooooo stinkin bittersweet. I am so proud of him and the little man that he is becoming and bonus he is really starting to become an individual and says all kinds of funny shtuff.

It's funny to hear him say things like- "that makes my heart happy", " that would be so fun" "I missed you today" "oh boy that's my favorite" " I just need it" " I just want to watch a movie" "where is him?" " I just don't like it (usually in response to something he eats all the time but has decided today- he's excercising his option to not eat it :) )

He also likes to hold his sweet little hand up (like a stop motion) and tell you his plan- he usually does this when he has been denied something and wants to manipulate you into well let's just say agreeing w/him. It is quite cute to watch it unfold. What did we ever do for entertainment before Bryce?

Monday, October 06, 2008

Well Helloooooo I bumped my noggin...

OUCH...or as melvin in madagascar likes to say..ow,ow,ow,ow,ow,ow!!! I came home at lunch today to find this......................

Pay no attention to his candy-chew that he thought we needed to see..hey whatever it takes to get the picture huh?

Yep this is the goose egg bump I saw...awful, absolutely painful to look at and I ask you...?

Should he be left alone w/Daddy?hahaha just kididng..accident's happen..hmmm :)

Currently poor Bryce is black and blue all over- his legs, his bottom, he's got a nice raspberry on his elbow and the list goes on...thank goodness everyone know's this is how it goes w/little boys.

As if the excitement of the bumps and bruises aren't enough to keep us on our toes we found a little visitor on my porch fall display.. I DO NOT like things that can fly on you or jump and well this is what's living on our porch and freaking me out!!

See the fleck of green at the neck of the scarecrow?..yeah that would be a preying mantis...ewwww

It's super cool for Bryce, but super creepy for me. Ick.

Hopefully he/she will find a new home SOON!!!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Big Day at the Billing house!

Or as my Dad likes to say.."big jobs" today marks a milestone in our home. Bryce went poopy on the potty, by himself....for the first time he was quite pleased with himself and... so were we. It's a step in the right direction. So now we pray for continued potty's in the pot!!

and the successful smile

and naughty boy... he is one saucy little thing

and the sassing continues

and his radiant smile that voids the naughty!!

Friday, October 03, 2008