Thursday, June 12, 2008

Coming up for air..

Bryce and Mommy have been sick. I have had bronchitis and a lovly sinus infection and little man has an ear infection w/a seal cough like mama. It's a sick bay ward :) I am happy to say we are ending the week feeling much better.
We are excited today cause Grammy & Papa are coming from Montana for a visit. So hopefully they should arrive in Petaluma this evening.
Bryce is testing everything this past week. I don't know if he's just feeling sassy cause he's been ill or if he is just testing to see what we will do but boy that kid...oh man. I am sure everyone knows what I am talking about, he will look right atcha and then in sheer defiance continue what he is doing or been told not to do. Especially challenging is him and his beloved water. With the weather being so nice and warm thru the evening I have been letting him use the water hose to spray and play. Unfortunately everyday w/o fail he has had to have this privledge taken away because he refuses to follow the is soooooo hard to pull the plug as it were because he so loves that time, but he has to know we mean business. Tears always insue with a toddler size meltdown..he's 2 what do we expect :) LOL...
Hopefully before too long he will be able to play with the water w/o incident :) Until then we just press on, loving him thru the rough patches!

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