Thursday, June 19, 2008

Where have we been?

Well, mommy has still been feeling a little under the weather (fighting bronchitis, a sinus infection, and now a And Bryce is getting over his ear infection and mommy is trying to keep up with his many mischievous ways and boy is he full of um :) . Thank goodness for daddy!
Water and playing with the water hose are still his first loves and also still the biggest challenge we have w/him. The many time outs have equated to longer play times but he still struggles with the rules. He has gotten to where he can go about 15 -20 minutes w/o spraying mommy or daddy and then a lapse in judgement and a slip of the trigger and we are wet and he is in a most miseable time out! Oh the fun.
Hopefully tonight we will be able to take him to the fair for some fun and animal viewing. I know he is going to go crazy for the livestock exhibition- just like last year! It's great to have his fresh view!
And this evening we went to the fair. We ran into some old friends which was really nice! Bryce had a blast riding the rides the little dare devil! The weather is absoulutely gorgeous it's like 80 outside and it is a beautiful evening. I of course took the camera only to discover that I had left the memory card at home......nice. Oh well I will hold the memories in my heart forever and you all will have to imagine his absoulute glee and joy as he flew down the big slide and his little squeals when we all went on the spinning dragons- the kid LOVEZ to spin! It was a really fun time, we got to see one of our friends children show her pigmy goat and she placed second- she has been placing much lower- 7th- so that was very nice to share in their excitement. Bryce loved the animals- big surprise...LOL.
Well that's it for now. We have a wedding this weekend so we should have some good pics of the cousins together.

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